Vitamin B and Zinc are great for hair growth. A deficiency of B-vitamins can be a factor in hair loss.

Vitamin C - Improve the blood flow of the scalp thus promote healthier hair growth.

You can also apply a paste of yogurt and soaked fenugreek seeds. It is a good solution to treat dandruff. Egg is a good hair conditioner. Egg yolk is an excellent source of protein that is rich with essential fatty acids and vitamins to nourish the hair scalp and also prevent dandruff. It offers shine and glaze to the hair for a lustrous, smoother and softer feel. Hair care from home is simple and easy, and very cheap compared to hair care at salons

Processed Food

processed foods may contain additives and preservatives that can cause allergic reactions that trigger hair loss. The simple solution to prevent this is to increase your intake of raw food such as fruits and salads and avoid processed food as much as possible.