View Full Version : Hair care tips

24-01-2014, 11:10 AM
Vitamin B and Zinc are great for hair growth. A deficiency of B-vitamins can be a factor in hair loss.

Vitamin C - Improve the blood flow of the scalp thus promote healthier hair growth.

You can also apply a paste of yogurt and soaked fenugreek seeds. It is a good solution to treat dandruff. Egg is a good hair conditioner. Egg yolk is an excellent source of protein that is rich with essential fatty acids and vitamins to nourish the hair scalp and also prevent dandruff. It offers shine and glaze to the hair for a lustrous, smoother and softer feel. Hair care from home is simple and easy, and very cheap compared to hair care at salons

Processed Food

processed foods may contain additives and preservatives that can cause allergic reactions that trigger hair loss. The simple solution to prevent this is to increase your intake of raw food such as fruits and salads and avoid processed food as much as possible.

18-02-2014, 01:36 PM
Some good tips for the healthy hair are:
Wash your hair daily.
Use some good quality herbal shampoo.
Comb your hair regularly.
Moisturizing your head skin with dabber oil, almond oil, and olive oil.
Eat more calcium foods.
Drink more milk, and yogurt.
Don't use cosmetic products for your hairs.

17-06-2014, 04:13 PM

B-vitamins can be a factor in hair loss.

I have hair loss problem and same thing said by one of friend that i have deficiency of B vitamin so i just wanna ask how could i set B vitamin on moderate level..??

20-08-2014, 11:14 AM
Thanks for share these tips with us.

28-04-2016, 04:25 PM
A good shampoo and conditioner will help cleanse the hair, add moisture and elasticity, and smooth the cuticle to add shine.

29-12-2016, 05:37 PM
onion juice is best solution for hair fall and grey hair.

16-12-2017, 11:50 AM
Apply coconut oil on hair and wash after half an hour.Eat protein,vitamin and calcium foods.

03-03-2018, 01:53 PM
Poor nutrition, including vitamin deficiencies, is a major factor of hair loss. These natural hair loss remedies work to fix the root of the problem, like regulating your hormone levels or fighting oxidative stress that increases with age.

08-08-2018, 03:20 PM
Sometimes it's not possible to prevent hair loss, but you can have them back. If you go with hair transplantation, you will join thousand of men who already did it. Check https://bookimed.com/clinics/country=turkey/procedure=hair-transplant/ to see what one the top world clinic can offer you.

16-05-2020, 03:28 PM
Thanks for sharing the tips with us

26-06-2020, 03:44 PM
Invest in good quality shampoos and conditioners! Some people think it doesn’t matter what quality it is but it does affect a lot. Also, moisturize your hair after taking a shower and drying off. And remember to comb your hair regularly, I used to not comb but now I do and it makes a huge difference!

27-01-2021, 07:12 PM
1. Wash Your Hair Regularly
Washing your hair regularly ensures that your scalp and hair is free of dirt and excess oil. However, the right frequency depends on your hair type and personal preferences. If you have extremely dry hair, limit your washing to twice a week. If you have an oily scalp, washing your hair on alternate days can help.

2. Use Chemical Free Shampoos
You really can’t control all the environmental factors that damage your hair, but what you can control is the kind of shampoos you use. Lesser the number of chemicals in your shampoo, healthier your hair. Go for gentle shampoos that suit your hair type.

Sulfates and parabens in shampoos are used for lathering and preserving respectively, but they can cause skin irritation over time and increase the risk of hormonal disruptions.

10-04-2021, 11:07 PM
Thanks for letting us know these useful tips. I'm facing hair fall issues so I was thinking I'll be applying these instructions for myself.

02-08-2021, 10:43 AM
you can make your hair beautiful and strong by taking care of your hair and proper diet at home. In this article, we are going to tell you some special tips for hair strengthening. Follow these tips for strong and beautiful hair and see the difference.
Protect Your Hair
Be Careful When Handling Wet Hair
Condition Your Hair Regularly
Condition the Right Way
Use Shampoo & Conditioner of the Same Brand
Don’t Apply Excessive Heat on Hair
Don’t Tie Your Hair Too Tightly
Take care of your hair while sleeping
Drying and combing the hair
Apply Oil Regularly To the Hair
Frequent Oil Massage
Use Cold Water to Wash the Hair
Avoid Using Hair Products Frequently

08-11-2021, 04:58 PM
Amla has always been considered an effective hair growth medicine in Ayurveda. This ayurvedic herb is a potent antioxidant that looks after the overall scalp health by removing dandruff and dissolving grease and dirt from follicles. Massaging the scalp with Amla oil helps boost blood circulation.

04-02-2022, 11:43 AM
Hair loss is an unsettling situation for both males and females. Today, lots of people suffer from hair fall problems as they grow older. Hair loss can affect the entire scalp or your entire body. There are many reasons for hair fall problems, as under:

Androgenic alopecia
Alopecia areata
Anagen effluvium
Telogen effluvium
Tinea capitis
Traction alopecia and other causes

To reduce hair fall naturally, use safe and effective methods with long-lasting results and consult an expert doctor. The best treatment for hair fall problems is to choose a hair transplant in Kakinada. It's best to see a professional healthcare doctor who provides the best course of treatment.